Start earning with your members, allow them to charge their followers on monthly, weekly or one time basis for sharing their premium content. Premium followers can enjoy their special posts which they only intend to share to their members.
Using the Paid Content Module, you can collect the payment and charge a comission and it will also help you run your site financially, all the features available in the paid content module explained below.
Payment Mode
Payment directly sent to users, or you can collect payments as admin, and you hold the payments for them, and they can request the payment based on the settings you do in admin.
Comission Types
If you use Admin Payment Mode, you can collect the Comissions, comission can be fixed price or percentage, we usually recommend using the Percentage comission as it makes you earn more.
Withdraw Request Limits
You can set the limit that how min or max amount user can withdraw from the admin, when admin is holding money for your users.
Member Level Settings
You can control if a member level should have access to post Paid Content or not? Or if you wish to control how many posts a member level can post, its best feature, you can control how many posts they can post in each category, its better if you are running monthly packages for website so a paid member can have more posts than a free member.
Payment Order Details
In admin, you can see all order details for the users.
Subscriber list
In Admin, you can see which member is subscribing to which user.
Post Type Support:
Please note, this plugin can only support posts types: Text, Video, Photo & Links.
Supported Payment Gateways
Currently plugin only supports PayPal, as its widely used and almost everyone can use, we will add more gateways in future for our users depending on feedback we received, if you need your custom Gateway integration done, please contact us for the quote.
SocialEngine compatibility
v4.10.0 – 5.x.x
Plugin is being updated frequently to keep providing our customers best features possible. All future updates are free forever once plugin is bought. You can check the demo here and see in the video: