This Auto Language Switcher plugin for SocialEngine is a great plugin if you would like to automatically detetct user country and then change the language of the site according to coutry, its light weight and faster.
We know that site owners wants to make their website multilingual and change the languages based on their visitor location, so we heard that and developed an intelegent plugin which can detetct user location based on their IP and change their langauge.
You can enable or disable the plugin automatic detection from admin panel within seconds.
Default Language
If you wish to set a default language when user location is unknown which is a rare case, you can do that too.
Add Country to Language Mapping
You can select which country should have which language by default when a user visits the website very first time. It will automatically switch the lanaguage for that specific country user. Please note this automatic language changer is only for public user who visits very first time.
Only for Non Logged In Users
Please note, this plugin works only for non logged in users, and it will automatically select their language if you are using the Language select box in the signup form while signup, if the form does not contain the language select even hidden select box, it wont auto select their language on signup. Please note it will only auto select language if user has not visited the site before on their browser as visiting first time as a user.
SocialEngine compatibility
v4.5.0 – 6.x.x
Product latest version
Youtube Demo